Gene Sharp: Crafting Experiences of Nonviolent Action

Gene Sharp one of the political pioneer of the ExperienceCraft


Gene Sharp (1928–2018) was an American political scientist known for his extensive writings on nonviolent struggle. His work has been instrumental in shaping the strategies of numerous social and political movements around the world. By systematically analyzing and cataloging methods of nonviolent action, Sharp crafted experiences that enabled ordinary people to challenge oppressive systems effectively. His contributions exemplify the core principles of ExperienceCraft, making him a pivotal figure in the discipline.

ExperienceCraft Principles in Sharp's Work

1. Flow: Immersive Engagement in Nonviolent Action

Sharp's Application:

  • Cataloging Methods of Action:

    • In his seminal work "The Methods of Nonviolent Action," part of "The Politics of Nonviolent Action" trilogy (1973), Sharp outlined 198 methods of nonviolent activities, including protests, strikes, boycotts, and civil disobedience.

    • Provided detailed descriptions and historical examples, enabling activists to immerse themselves in practical strategies.

  • Empowering Participation:

    • Encouraged individuals to engage fully in nonviolent actions by understanding the dynamics and potential impact of their efforts.

    • Emphasized the importance of discipline and commitment to nonviolence for the success of movements.


  • Enabled activists to become deeply engaged in their movements, fostering a state of flow where participants are fully absorbed in the experience of resistance.

  • Created a shared sense of purpose and solidarity among participants.

2. Journey: Guiding Movements Through Strategic Phases

Sharp's Application:

  • Strategic Planning:

    • Introduced the concept of nonviolent action as a strategic process rather than a spontaneous reaction.

    • Outlined stages of planning, execution, and consolidation in "From Dictatorship to Democracy" (1993), a guide for overthrowing oppressive regimes through nonviolent means.

  • Educational Resources:

    • Provided frameworks and tools to help movements assess their strengths, weaknesses, and the adversary's vulnerabilities.

    • Emphasized the importance of clear objectives and adaptive strategies.


  • Guided movements through a transformative journey, increasing their effectiveness and chances of success.

  • Helped activists navigate challenges and setbacks by providing a roadmap for sustained action.

3. Transformation: Achieving Lasting Social and Political Change

Sharp's Application:

  • Shifting Power Dynamics:

    • Argued that power is not monolithic but derived from the consent of the governed.

    • Demonstrated how withdrawing cooperation can erode the power of oppressive systems.

  • Nonviolent Successes:

    • His work influenced numerous successful movements, including the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia (1989), the Rose Revolution in Georgia (2003), and the Arab Spring uprisings (2010–2012).


  • Facilitated significant political transformations without resorting to violence.

  • Inspired hope and provided practical means for people to effect change.

4. Facilitator: Guiding and Empowering Activists Worldwide

Sharp's Application:

  • Accessible Writings:

    • Wrote in clear, actionable language to make his ideas accessible to a broad audience.

    • Distributed his works widely, often for free or low cost, to reach activists globally.

  • Institutional Support:

    • Founded the Albert Einstein Institution in 1983, dedicated to advancing the study and use of strategic nonviolent action.


  • Acted as a mentor and guide to movements around the world, empowering them with knowledge and strategies.

  • Provided a supportive framework that activists could adapt to their specific contexts.

Why Sharp is a Pioneer of ExperienceCraft

  • Systematic Approach to Nonviolence:

    • Transformed nonviolent resistance from a moral stance into a strategic methodology.

    • Crafted experiences that were repeatable, adaptable, and effective.

  • Empowerment Through Knowledge:

    • Enabled individuals and groups to understand their own power and how to wield it nonviolently.

    • Emphasized education and preparation as key components of successful action.

  • Global Influence:

    • His methodologies have been adopted by movements across different cultures and political systems.

    • Demonstrated the universal applicability of nonviolent strategies.


Gene Sharp's pioneering work in nonviolent resistance exemplifies the power of strategically crafted experiences to bring about profound social and political transformation. By providing practical frameworks and empowering individuals with knowledge, he facilitated movements that reshaped nations without violence. His legacy continues to inspire activists and ExperienceCrafters alike, highlighting the potential of thoughtful design and ethical action to effect lasting change.


Edward Bernays: Crafting Experiences That Shaped Public Consciousness