Edward Bernays: Crafting Experiences That Shaped Public Consciousness

One of the notorious pioneer of the ExperienceCraft


Edward Bernays (1891–1995) was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, often referred to as the "father of public relations." Utilizing his deep understanding of psychology—gained partly through his relationship with his uncle, Sigmund Freud—Bernays revolutionized the way organizations communicate with the public. By crafting experiences that subtly influenced public opinion and behavior, he laid the groundwork for modern marketing, advertising, and public relations practices.

ExperienceCraft Principles in Bernays' Work

1. Flow: Immersive Engagement

Bernays created campaigns that fully engaged the public, immersing them in experiences that subtly shifted perceptions:

  • Emotional Appeal:

    • "Torches of Freedom" (1929): Hired by the American Tobacco Company, Bernays orchestrated a campaign to encourage women to smoke cigarettes by linking the act to women's liberation. He arranged for debutantes to smoke while walking in the Easter Sunday Parade in New York City, turning it into a symbolic act of rebellion and freedom.

    • Immersive Publicity Stunts: Designed events that captured public attention and involved them emotionally, making the message more impactful.


  • Successfully changed social norms and behaviors by creating experiences that people could emotionally connect with.

  • Generated widespread media coverage, amplifying the reach and impact of his campaigns.

2. Journey: Guided Transformation

He guided the public through a transformation of beliefs and behaviors by strategically designing campaigns that unfolded over time:

  • Changing Perceptions:

    • Bacon and Eggs Breakfast Campaign: To increase bacon sales for the Beech-Nut Packing Company, Bernays consulted with physicians to recommend a heavy breakfast. He then publicized their recommendations, transforming the American breakfast routine.

  • Educational Efforts:

    • Soap Sculpture Contests for Ivory Soap: Encouraged children to carve soap bars, promoting creativity and hygiene. This not only increased soap sales but also ingrained the brand into daily life.


  • Shifted public habits and preferences by guiding them through experiences that redefined norms.

  • Fostered brand loyalty by integrating products into culturally significant activities.

3. Transformation: Lasting Impact

Bernays' campaigns led to lasting changes in society, influencing public opinion and behavior on a large scale:

  • Normalization of Behaviors:

    • Made smoking among women socially acceptable, altering gender norms and consumer markets.

  • Creation of Public Relations as a Profession:

    • Authored seminal works like "Crystallizing Public Opinion" (1923) and "Propaganda" (1928), establishing the foundational theories of public relations and mass persuasion.


  • His methods have been adopted and adapted globally, affecting advertising, politics, and media.

  • Sparked discussions on the ethical implications of mass persuasion and the manipulation of public opinion.

4. Facilitation: Guiding Presence

Bernays acted as a facilitator between organizations and the public, shaping messages and experiences to achieve desired outcomes:

  • Strategic Communication:

    • Understood the importance of two-way communication, listening to public sentiments, and crafting messages that resonated.

  • Psychological Insights:

    • Applied Freudian theories to tap into unconscious desires and emotions, making campaigns more effective.


  • Elevated the role of public relations from simple publicity to strategic influence.

  • Educated organizations on the power of crafting experiences that align with the psychological needs and desires of the public.

Why Bernays is a Pioneer of ExperienceCraft

  • Innovative Use of Psychology: Applied psychological principles to design experiences that influenced behavior on a subconscious level.

  • Crafting Public Experiences: Orchestrated events and campaigns that were themselves experiences, not just messages.

  • Shaping Societal Norms: His work didn't just sell products; it changed how people thought and acted on a societal level.

  • Foundational Theories: His writings provide a theoretical framework that parallels the principles of ExperienceCraft, focusing on engagement, transformation, and facilitation.


Edward Bernays' groundbreaking work in public relations exemplifies the power of crafting experiences to influence and transform public consciousness. By integrating psychological insights with strategic communication, he created campaigns that not only engaged audiences but also reshaped societal norms. His legacy offers both inspiration and caution, underscoring the profound impact—and responsibility—involved in ExperienceCraft.


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